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GPBALANCE Hormonal Yoga

Awaken & rebalance
 your hormones

GPBALANCE invites us to connect to our body, to our breath, to the present moment. The postures, breathing and inner massages stimulate the endocrine glands for a harmonious and proactive health. Women and men from all walks of life: this practice is for you.

GPBALANCE Hormonal Yoga

20 years of research

GPBALANCE is based on traditional yoga, honoring the Indian philosophical heritage, while offering a modern and concrete method. This hormonal yoga technique will allow you to restore your vitality and naturally rebalance your hormonal health and/or that of your students/patients.

It’s the result of 20 years of research and development based not only on traditional yoga but also brings together teachings from India, Japan, China and Thailand, little known in the West, in addition to various fields of Western medicine.

There is nothing empirical or esoteric about it. It is an approachable, carefully-built method for each one, with or without previous yoga experience. It proposes a panel of systematized tools to simply and naturally improve our style and quality of life and prolong your life in a good health condition.

These tools can also be very useful for a variety of health issues, which have not found answers in traditional medicine.

Fundamental material for various medical conditions is proposed to support each posture and techniques composing the different sections of the method.

Gustavo Ponce

Balance is the ultimate state of well-being…

…where everything is perfectly aligned and functioning without any glitches. With our chaotic lives, balance can seem like a totally unachievable goal. Or at least, one that requires a massive overhaul.

Once you learn to balance yourself with GPBALANCE, it is a free, easy, complete and definitive pathway to perfect hormone health and lasting vitality. Try it!

Experience an extraordinary increase in energy levels and vitality

GPBALANCE acts over our entire organism. From a physical point of view, the exercise improves balance, posture, flexibility and mobility. It strengthens and tones muscles and bones. However, the most important benefit is the extraordinary increase in energy levels and vitality. This is due to the reactivation of the endocrine system and sexual glands. It rejuvenates us even in our appearance and mental attitude.

  • GPBALANCE protects us against infections and illnesses caused by a weak immune system.
  • It helps women with difficulties to conceive.
  • It frees the mind: less stress, anxiety and depression.
  • It provides better sleep and emotional stability.
  • It boosts energy and mental clarity.

GPBALANCE can be combined with other forms of exercise. Yoga is not interested in what you do but in how you do what you do.

Keep your hormones at optimal levels and prevent ailments associated with aging

Your body uses a complex hormone system to control most daily basic functions. In fact, hormones control metabolism, hunger, thirst, emotions, thoughts, and sexual appetite. Hormones change as we get old and are also influenced by the secondhand smoke you inhale, and by not working out enough your body. Any dysfunction, excess or low production of hormones can have serious consequences for your health.

GPBALANCE propose you a routine of ancient oriental techniques and simple changes in the way you eat, breathe and general lifestyle. It is all you need to keep your hormones at optimal levels. When your endocrine glands, including the sexual glands function well, you will have much more vitality preventing the decay of your muscle and bone mass and will prevent also several ailments associated with old age like arthritis, arthrosis, rheumatism, diabetes, high blood pressure, osteoporosis, and many others.

How can GPBALANCE improve your quality of life?

Hormonal imbalances that we are not even aware produce changes in our physical appearance and in our emotions. From the age of 35, both men and women stop producing grow hormone which sustain the muscle and bone mass and keeps our skin young and elastic. When we reach the age of 40, the levels of glutathione (an essential antioxidant that keeps the immune system strong) and those of superoxide dismutase, (an important antioxidant defense of the cells exposed to oxygen, a scavenger of free radicals) lowers to almost zero, and the first wrinkles in our face are noticed by others. We do not heal as fast as before, and our notion of a good night out with friends is to be in bed by 11 pm.

GPBALANCE is a holistic method addressed to people who just start getting old, meaning to everyone over 40 years of age, and to all who have long passed that age. It is also a method for young women with painful or irregular periods and for those women who cannot get pregnant.

Hearing and sight problems also start around the age of 35. The muscles lose their capacity to respond properly to exercise and to recover from injuries. Loss of muscles strength is common from the age of 40. Is also evident the decrease in VO2 max (maximal amount of oxygen that the body can absorb, transport, and consume. VO2 is the best form to measure the aerobic capacity of a person).

At the age of 40 the first symptoms of heart deficiency can appear. This is only the beginning. In the USA, for example, 55% of the population over 50 develops osteoporosis mainly due to the acidity in the modern diet which forces the body to extract calcium from the blood to neutralize the acidity instead of strengthening the bones.

Between the ages of 60 and 65, the incidence of osteoarthritis climbs dramatically and when we reach the age of 80, we probably had already a cataracts operation. The list of changes and hormonal dysfunctions has no end because they do not only affect our body and its functions, but also our mental faculties. To face all this is the main challenge of GPBALANCE.


Emotionally, the woman past her 40s naturally experiences changes associated with the reduction of her sex hormones and the cessation of menstruation as she approaches her 50s. She may feel irritable, depressed, have mood swings and insomnia; Physiologically, she can lose hair or grow it where she shouldn’t, have skin problems, vaginal dryness, hot flashes, headaches, and joint pain. These changes do not occur overnight. They are produced gradually. Many women go through menopause early due to abruptly losing a lot of weight, emotional trauma or excessive exercise.

From the age of 35, ovarian activity gradually begins to decrease, as do the two main female hormones, estrogen and progesterone, and when the number of follicles drops considerably, the cycles become anovulatory, causing infertility. The beginning of menopause can have a negative impact on a woman’s quality of life, from her physical appearance, self-esteem, sexual relations, etc. The most obvious symptoms are hot flashes and difficulty falling asleep. It is common for women to resort to estrogen-based treatments, but not all tolerate them well. Complications such as pulmonary embolism, hepatitis, cancer and other diseases can arise, especially if there is a family history. For women, menopause is a very sensitive stage, since youth and fertility are two highly valued qualities in all societies, and since youth and menstruation are two things that go together, they become depressed when menopause arrives and they know that they will never be able to conceive again and for those who have never had children, the possibility of having them is definitively extinguished.


Men, unlike women, do not experience anything as marked as the cessation of menstruation or become infertile, but even young people subjected to the constant stress of daily life and those who are approaching or have already reached andropause, that is, between the ages of 45 and 55, they can experience marked changes in two areas: urinary-sexual and psychological. Urinary-sexual changes can occur, to different degrees and in various combinations, from reduced sexual drive, potency, and erectile dysfunction, to ejaculation problems, decreased fertility, and urinary incontinence. To a large extent these problems are due to a gradual decrease in the testicles’ production of testosterone, the male sex hormone. Men begin to lose, like women, muscle mass. Your muscles are transformed into fat and although the belly would not be more important than aesthetics, the same proportion of fat that is observed outside is visceral fat inside the abdomen, which can have serious consequences. The increase in visceral fat can literally invade the liver and generate what is known as “hepatic steatosis” or fatty liver that can lead men to develop diabetes and in turn “metabolic syndrome”, which is a major cause of death in the most developed countries. Metabolic syndrome is the sum of visceral fat with diabetes and arterial hypertension”, all of this produced mainly by low testosterone levels.

The “male climacteric” entails complications at the brain, muscle, bone and glandular level. Male andropause is a process in which not only sexual capacity but also multiple other organic functions progressively decrease in men as a result of the gradual reduction of testosterone levels in the blood. In men, the sexual hormonal decline begins between the ages of 45 and 55. It is slow and progressive. Unlike women, who can no longer have children after menopause, men sometimes maintain a reasonable reproductive sexual function.

Physical changes can also be accompanied by changes in attitude and mood. The decrease in testosterone is seen in mental activity. The man often becomes grumpy, moody, forgetful and has difficulty sleeping. During andropause, a man often begins to question his values, achievements, and direction in his life, a stage known as the “midlife crisis.”

A constant practice of GPBALANCE allows men to do without “virility drugs” and women to awaken their libido.

Women and men

The function of the endocrine glands is less efficient as we age and the response to any type of physical or mental stress is weaker. The glands are important to our metabolism, the thyroid being one of the most important. Hypothyroidism is common in old age. The other glands that stop working properly are the pituitary and the adrenals. Its lower activity together with a general low energy makes us more prone to infections. The drop in libido and less vitality is due to the lower production of testosterone and estrogen. Muscle mass begins to decline. poor joint flexibility results in arthritis. The less amount of water in the intervertebral discs makes us lose elasticity, shrinks the spine and causes stiffness in muscles and ligaments. There is also a higher incidence of broken bones. The first changes we experience as we age are so slow that they are hardly noticeable and we continue to see ourselves on the inside as we always were, but on the outside others perceive them.

We get used to waking up every day with a different pain that changes place and shape as the years go by. I once heard that the first sign of old age is when people begin to resemble their own father or mother. In the fifth decade one begins to notice the first gaps in memory. One goes around the house looking for reading glasses until we discover that we are wearing them. Certainly one continues to recognize faces, but when we say hello we can’t put a name to those faces. In compensation, it is a triumph of life that the memory of the old is lost for things that are not so essential, but that it rarely fails for those that really interest us. Cicero masterfully illustrated this: “There is no old man who forgets where he hid his treasure.”

And for those who are already over 35

What can GPBALANCE do for those of us who are already over 35? Many things. To begin with, it is to become aware that we have to improve our lifestyle and to understand that we must have a positive attitude towards life and never think that we do not have a way to rejuvenate ourselves and recover our strength, energy and vitality. And when we talk about vitality, we are also talking about sexual vitality, even though we are over 70 years old, without resorting to hormone replacement therapies that are very fashionable now among men and women, or drugs like Viagra if we are men, without knowing or wanting to accept that there are always undesirable side effects.

Strengthen your immune system

One of the most remarkable things about the method is that it strengthens our immune system. The solar plexus is recognized today as our second brain where our enteric nervous system lives, one of the components of the autonomic nervous system. 90% of the immune system is in the intestines and is regulated by the intestinal flora. They produce almost all of serotonin, which is a neurotransmitter (also called the happiness hormone because it plays a role in mood, emotions, appetite, and digestion.) Serotonin rises to the pineal gland via the vagus nerve where melatonin is produced, the hormone that turns on at sunset and causes sleep. It is in our power to correct imbalances in the intestinal flora, moving away, for example, from the tyranny of processed sugars or grains such as wheat and derivatives such as pasta, bread, cakes, sauces, etc. The dwarf wheat that began to be produced in the Soviet Union after the Second World War and is now grown all over the world, was genetically modified to increase its yield, but it contains twenty times more gluten than that grown in the rest of the world. Hence, many people today have many autoimmune diseases and much more intolerance to gluten and not only to this binding protein, but also to other foods such as eggs and dairy products, which we can tolerate relatively well when we are young, but when we are older They can cause us terrible digestive disorders. On the other hand, we eat much more than the body needs and too much animal protein. It is impossible, in my opinion, for the innumerable diets that have appeared in the last 30 years to work, since each food is accepted or rejected by the intestinal flora, which is totally different in each person, in the same way that there are not two fingerprints. In other words, there is no universal diet.

Sleep better

In addition to food, sleep and its quality are of the utmost importance in the method. Without having knowledge about the science of sleep it is very difficult to live a fulfilling life. Quality sleep repairs the circuits of the mind and gives us great vitality and energy. In the method you will find many interesting things about this essential aspect, common to all living beings, as well as the importance of respecting circadian rhythms. These rhythms go hand in hand with good sleep, which has a lot to do with the amount of time we are exposed to sunlight. More and more people suffer from insomnia and live by swallowing sleeping pills, especially those who have already reached menopause or andropause.

More satisfying sexual relations

Additionally, men begin to have prostate problems that affect good sleep and sexual performance. GPBALANCE delivers specific techniques to improve all these aspects allowing you to lead a life free of these inconveniences. A whole book is dedicated to sex, to sexuality. The first volume of book 4, Conscious Breathing in one of its chapters explains the relationship between breathing and sex, how to prolong it and enjoy it. GPBALANCE’s approach to consensual sex is always to put the woman first and she enjoys having multiple orgasms and ejaculations, why not? Not all women ejaculate, but with the techniques described in the 4/7 book, they just might. The man, for his part, can become a multi-orgasmic man also without having to ejaculate, or as little as possible. Conscious breathing and understanding the importance of breathing only through the nose gives us a lot of vitality, especially if we breathe less often than we are used to. In GPBALANCE it is very important to get used to high levels of carbon dioxide and learn to constantly produce nitric oxide that dilates our blood vessels and also allows us, both men and women, to have better sexual performance.

Fight stress, anxiety and depression

Stress, anxiety and depression are the new evils of our century. Book 3 explores these emotions along with fear and rage and provides useful advice to avoid getting wrapped up in them. A life with controlled stress and with knowledge of the hormones that tend to make it chronic, makes us enjoy the pleasure of living. The method also explores how to detoxify the brain and improve memory and all cognitive functions through age-old techniques such as Yoga Nidra, meditation and specific breathing techniques, and also through the diet that each person individually needs.

In conclusion

The work we do with the body in GPBALANCE is gentle, enough to activate and mobilize energy throughout the entire body, producing hormones such as dopamine and endorphins that will keep us young and active until the last day. The practice of the techniques that book 10 contains are 50, divided into five sections.

Don’t be fooled: these techniques make up the most basic part of the method, but it is a good starting point and for these techniques to work you need to study the theory contained in the other books. It is not possible to reverse years of bad habits just by practicing the techniques of the method. They must be accompanied by many other things and information that you will find in the pages of the GPBALANCE book collection.

In any case, when you begin to practice the method, you will quickly feel positive changes that will encourage you to continue on the path of your own healing. We ask you to have faith and a little patience. Also willpower, because without it it is easy to deviate from the purpose and motivation that led you to embark on this path.

Start practicing now

The method's origin

In Gustavo Ponce’s own words:

The method was born out of an urgent need to survive when I was diagnosed in 2003 with a Non Hodgkin Lymphoma, Phase 4. I was given just a few years to live. The intensive chemotherapy I received for 8 months was a kind of gamble, because the doctors did not give me any guarantee that I would heal myself and the statistics were not in my favor. Desperately I began to look for other alternatives to recover my health after the chemotherapy. This is how GPBALANCE was born.

The method gathers up teachings from India, Japan, China, and Thailand mostly unknown in the West and several fields of Western medicine. This is the reason why it cannot be considered just one more yoga method. Each one of the 10 books of the GPBALANCE collection (2 are already published) speaks about one aspect of the method, be it exercise, breathing, diet, aging, circadian rhythm, hormones, etc. All of them go in the same direction: how to improve our lifestyle increasing our quality of life and prolong our life in good health.

It was not easy to find a name and a logo for the method that represented what I wanted to transmit. My first thoughts were to put something with the word “Yoga” in it since I have practiced this philosophy all my life, but soon I realized that it would not correctly reflect what I had in mind. It is more like “energy medicine” because the intention is to awaken the physical and mental energy in us through the correct balance, in a natural way, of our hormones, present in every aspect of our being. The activation of the respiratory, nervous, and endocrine systems including the sexual glands rejuvenates our appearance and mental attitude. The increase in vitality and energy levels is amazing.

So, the word that came to my mind again and again was “balance.” And, to differentiate this energy therapy from others, I have simply added my initials, G.P.

How does GPBALANCE specifically balance our hormones?

There are several tools that help us balance our hormones. Undoubtedly one of the most important is the type of breathing that we use and the visualization directed to the endocrine glands that secrete this or that hormone, while we compress or expand the body. This produces not only a greater blood supply, but the gland or organ in question is massaged while we contract the pelvic floor and press the tip of the tongue on the soft palate.

Breathing varies by technique. We mainly use Ujjay, Bastrik 1 and 2 and Kapalabhati, very different from each other since it is not possible to use them interchangeably.

On the other hand, emotional liberation techniques such as “Tapping” are also used, small soft and repetitive blows to oneself with the fingers or fists in strategic areas such as the kidneys (adrenal glands) and the thymus gland, among other points, accompanied by display.

We also generate heat with our hands that we apply to certain areas of the body and concentrate on stimulating those areas. Techniques like Prana Mudra mobilize and harmonize the energy of the energy centers (Chakras). In the same way, we use the vibration of the Bija Mantras that we direct to each of these energy vortexes, balancing them and producing nitric oxide at the same time, which gives us great vitality. We also use compression of the internal organs and glands so that when the pressure is released they fill with fresh blood.

One of the most used tools are the various anti-stress, anti-anxiety, and anti-depression techniques, because when we are subjected to these emotions, not only the glands and hormones do not work well, but the whole organism stops working properly. Among these techniques it is worth mentioning the lunar breathing techniques, meditation and Yoga Nidra. The massage and “tapping” directed at the genitalia and the different techniques explained in the book 4/7 on sexuality, which increase testosterone levels in both men and women and in the latter, also estrogen levels.

One of the pillars of the method is the constant use in practice and outside of it of the pelvic floor muscles, the least used and possibly the most important to have a healthy sexual life, alleviate prostate problems, urinary incontinence and various other functions such as the containment of the internal abdominal organs and improve blood circulation throughout the body and of course the activation of sex hormones.

The use of the pressure of the tongue against the soft palate has multiple benefits, among others, awakening spiritual energy by converging the energies of the subtle channels in an energetic vortex known as Vyoma Chakra. It influences all the endocrine glands because it controls the secretions of the brain under the influence of the Ajneya Chakra, the energetic center that directs the action of the main glands. It affects the hypothalamus and the medulla oblongata which controls breathing, heartbeat, emotions, hunger and thirst. The pressure of the tongue on the soft palate activates the vagus nerve, a vital nerve (right and left) in regulating heart rate and digestive secretions. This nerve works in synergy with a neurotransmitter called acetylcholine, the main neurotransmitter of the parasympathetic nervous system. The regular practice of Kechari Mudra, or pressure of the tongue on the soft palate, reduces the respiratory rate and, consequently, helps to prolong our life.

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