Saturday, November 9 – Saturday, November 16, 2024
We are waiting for you on the paradisiacal beaches of the coast of Oaxaca, in this intensive GPBALANCE Hormonal Yoga and Energy Medicine Course with Professor Gustavo Ponce and Dr. Rodrigo Alcazar. Discover the benefits of practicing this method and at the same time enjoy free time to relax.
GPBALANCE is a method created by Gustavo Ponce based on traditional yoga, honoring the Indian philosophical heritage, while offering a modern and concrete method. This hormonal yoga technique will allow you to restore your vitality and naturally rebalance your hormonal health and/or that of your students/patients.
This event is open to those who want to teach the method (yoga teachers, therapists, medical or paramedical professionals, etc.) but also to those who are interested in learning it for their personal practice.
Two different 50-hour modules –alpha and beta– are offered. Completing one is enough if you wish to train for your own practice. If you wish to train as a teacher, you are required to complete 2 different sessions, or 100 hours of practical training.
During each of these 2 modules, you will study the complete series in a general way and delve into the theoretical aspects of the 5 sections of GPBALANCE.
The 5 sections of GPBALANCE
The study of different breathing and postural techniques: Kaya Stairyam Sankalpa, Bija Mantras, Prana Vidya, Kapalabhati, Bhastrika 1, Bhastrika 2. These techniques work on stillness, stability and concentration of body and mind as well as the channeling of energy.
Preparatory work of simple postures lying on the back, accompanied by visualizations and the various breathing techniques studied in the previous section. This enables us mobilize energy around pelvic region.
Standing postures whose primary objective is to strengthen the flexibility, strength, balance and agility of our whole body. This also enables us to mobilize energy throughout the body.
In this section, the focus is on pressing the pubis to the ground and strengthening the core area of the body as well as the abdominal area. We will also perform a series of inverted postures.
This last seated section will cover different techniques such as Uddiyana Bandha, Agnisara Dhauti, Nauli, Ashwini Mudra, Nadi Shodhana Pranayama. The essential objective of these techniques being to achieve a rebalancing of the hormonal system in a more intense way than during the various techniques and asanas proposed in the previous sections. They also help to cleanse and lighten the body of functional obstacles caused largely by stress. We end this last section of the practice with a brief contemplation (which includes your last Sankalpa), Neo-Tummo and Yoga Nidra.
Alpha module
This alpha module will tackle sections 1, 3 and 5. We will focus the theoretical and practical teaching on the following techniques:
- 5-minute, slow breathing test
- Abdominal breathing and yogic breathing
- Ashwini Mudra
- Bhastrika 1
- Bhastrika 2
- Bija Mantra and “Humming”
- Bolt score
- Dead bug
- Exhalations through a straw
- The importance of cultivating balance
- Kapalabhati
- Kaya Sthairyam (the importance of sitting well and relaxing in the posture “Sthira Sukham Asanam”)
- Kechari Mudra
- Manipur Shuddhi and Ajapa Japa
- Meditation
- Nadi shodhana
- Prana Mudra, laying on of hands.
- Prana vidya
- Sankalpa (The power of autosuggestion)
- Sun salutation
- Tapping
- The 4 breathing patterns
- Timo (laugh)
- Uddiyana Bandha
- Ujjay
- Yoga Nidra
In-person course
Each session will systematically and progressively address the 5 sections that make up the GPBALANCE series. The whole series uses different techniques and concepts that we will see in detail throughout the teaching of the 2 modules:
- Asanas
- Mudras, especially kechari Mudra (used throughout the practice)
- Kriyas
- Bandhas (very frequently used during practice)
- Chakras and Prana
- Visualization and concentration (very frequently used during practice)
- Meditation
- Neo-Tummo
To deepen your theoretical knowledge of the method, you will have access to the PDF version of Gustavo Ponce’s following books:
- Book 10: The method
- Book 4: Breathing
If you want to train as a GPBALANCE Hormonal Yoga teacher and teach the method, learn how you can become a certified trainer.
The practice of GPBALANCE has been revolutionary for me because I feel that on the one hand, it gives me a lot of energy, I don't feel tired during the day and on the other hand, it is a method that saves yoga techniques and practices that were a bit forgotten and that I had no way of accessing beyond literature and I felt that something was missing in my personal practice. From what I have seen, it is also revolutionizing the lives of others, even those who have never practiced yoga. GPBALANCE is wonderful and I think you should spread the word because it is truly energy medicine.
Yanei Salgado (Chile)
With Gustavo Ponce (Chile, 2022)
I had the chance to take two hormonal yoga teacher trainings thanks to Frédérique Verdeau. The first, hosted by Dinah Rodrigues, was the start of my journey into hormonal wellness and yoga. This is why I did not hesitate for a second when Frédérique told me about the GPBALANCE training. Led by Gustavo Ponce, I was enthusiastic about this training. Gustavo is very pedagogical, he shares with great generosity all his knowledge learned from the greatest yogis masters and put at the service of hormonal balance. I experienced this training as a great homecoming. I came back to my breathing, to my body with a more developed consciousness. The exercises are varied, both accessible and demanding. A return to balance that accompanies me in my daily practice and that I look forward to sharing with my students.
Catherine Couput (France)
With Gustavo Ponce + Fanny Lehideux + Frédérique Verdeau + Pati Peguero (France, 2023)
This practice overwhelmed me by the sensations it provides, a particular state oscillating between power and calm. It is so complete and so different from other practices, that it is worth discovering, teaching and practicing.
Fanny Chassefière (France)
With Fanny Lehideux + Frédérique Verdeau (France, 2021)
Since discovering the GPBALANCE method, my interest in yoga has grown considerably as I have seen the changes it has produced in my daily life. As part of my training, I recently had the opportunity to teach a GPBALANCE class to a group of 8 students I didn't know. I took the challenge seriously, I prepared the course beforehand and the feeling of being in front of a group of students that I could help, advise and share the GPBALANCE method with, was so great that it allowed me to visualize the possibility of continuing to teach the method to more people.
Felipe And Barros (Chile)
With Gustavo Ponce (Chile, 2022)